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An existing one story wing housing  an old kitchen and laundry room, with virtually no access to and view of  the back yard,  was demolished and replaced with a two story addition housing a large kitchen with ample view of and easy access to the back yard on the first floor and a master dressing room and bathroom on the second floor. The laundry room was moved to the basement.
Care was taken to avoid any visual or physical  barriers between kitchen and garden in the new addition. An abandoned concrete patch surrounded by existing lush plantings  to the side of the house was repurposed as a cozy outdoor patio space, keeping any garden furniture out of view from the kitchen, yet directly accessible from the kitchen via the narrow deck/walkway in front of the kitchen. A hedge was planted along the path creating an architectural green wall screening the view of driveway and adjacent property's parking lot from the kitchen. Great care was taken to adhere to LEED standards for this project.


Home Addition and Renovation



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